WHO Executive Board, 150th Session, January 2022
MSF Statement
Agenda item 21.1 – Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property, for the period 2008-2022
Document: EB150/36
Speaker: Francisco Viegas
MSF welcomes the report. The Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property has had limited resources and a slow pace of implementation by WHO and its Member States. However, WHO and civil society groups must be commended for efforts on pushing for equitable access during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the unwillingness of pharmaceutical companies and Member States to coordinate R&D, share know-how and technology, develop health tools as public goods, and waive IP needed to ramp up production and access to diagnostics, vaccines and medicines for COVID-19.
MSF supports the extension of the plan of action on public health, innovation and IP until 2030, with adequate allocation and prioritisation. MSF also welcomes a policy space to share best practices for implementing elements of the GSPOA as a positive path for progressive policy steps.