How can access to treatment change a life?
Yuri was losing hope that he would ever beat tuberculosis.
He had extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB). It’s a form of the disease that can’t be cured with standard medicines, and sometimes not even with the most powerful medicines we use against TB.
But after two gruelling years of treatment, he still wasn’t getting better.
Yuri’s doctors said he had one chance left: a treatment programme offered by MSF in cooperation with Belarus’ government, using the latest TB drugs. He enrolled right away.
“I started to improve immediately,” he said. “The tests, the X-rays – everyone was surprised!”
Yuri was fortunate. For many others, this treatment with new drugs isn’t available.
Today, he’s free of TB. And we’re working to bring everyone access to the same level of care.
Spotlight on current work
For more in-depth information on our current work in improving access to TB treatment, have a look at our projects:
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